From Vilnius International Airport to Vilnius Bus Station and Railway Station to center of Vilnius (~7 km.)
- by train (route: „Vilniaus oro uostas“ – „Vilnius“) (tickets can be purchased on the train, at Vilnius Railway Station or online, price – 0, 80 euro)
- by bus Airport Express (route: “Oro uostas“ – “Stotis“) (ticket can be purchased from bus driver, price – 2 eur.).
- By buses 1 and 2 (route „Oro uostas“ – „Stotis“) (ticket can be purchased from bus driver, price – 1 euro, or in advance from app m.Ticket (mobile data required) or Trafi)
- By taxi (ride from airport to Faculty of Philology of Vilnius university takes about 15–20 min. and costs ~10 euros)
From Vilnius Bus Station and Railway Station to Conference venue (~1,5 km)
- by foot (~20 min.)
- 1, 2, 7, 20 trolleybuses, 1G, 53 buses (recommended route „Stotis“ – „MO muziejus“ (ticket can be purchased from bus driver, price – 1 euro, or in advance from app m.Ticket (mobile data required) or Trafi)